The Psalms, Time, and Righteousness

Most literature contains these five key elements: sovereignty, hierarchy, law, sanctions, and time. The Psalms speak of God as sovereign, of man as under God’s sovereignty, of God’s righteousness, of God’s judgment, and of the future happenings to those who obey or disobey God’s law and of the things that were to come when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth. In the previous essay on the Psalms, I spoke about the first four elements, but did not mention much about time.

David seems to write the Psalms with an enduring optimism about the things to come. Of course, the question of “why” arises about this sort of behavior in David’s writing. As I explained before, David had a profound revelation of God’s throne, which is founded upon righteousness and judgment. Therefore, David understood how God’s government and judicial or ethical system functioned.

It was through his faith in God, that David knew the things that would take place when he obeyed, disobeyed, or repented (changed his way of thought or belief). David also saw, through the Spirit of God, the day of the Lord and believed (Psalm 110:1 and Mathew 22:44). David knew that faith in God, not just knowing that He is real and is somewhere in the universe, but faith by the works of faith took anyone to be righteous before God. (Romans 1:17, Romans 3:28, Romans 4:1-8, Galatians 3:11, and James 2:17)

When someone is righteous before God, God will judge in favor of them and destroy their enemies. These enemies are not necessarily of flesh and bone, but spiritual (Ephesians 6:12). God’s righteousness and judgment are released in the invisible spiritual realm and manifest something on the physical one. David understood that faith catapults you to see, hear, feel, and manifest the spiritual realm and the reality of God on earth (Hebrews 11:1-3 and 32-34).

Therefore, David knew that if he maintained himself in the faith and obeyed God’s righteousness, he would be delivered and receive the blessings of Yahweh (God). And if he sinned, he knew that a repented, broken, and contrite heart God would not despise. David rejoiced in the salvation of Israel that would come through the Messiah. This is why David maintained an attitude of optimism toward the future, because we all are judged by God and the His throne always prevails.

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About Héctor A. Alcázar

Desde muy pequeño me gusta contar historias o expresar pensamientos y aprendizajes en lo que escribo. La escritura es una de mis pasiones y aventuras.

4 responses to “The Psalms, Time, and Righteousness”

  1. liveratt says :

    It got too deep for me in the first sentence.

  2. liveratt says :

    Well written. I thought I knew a lot about David.

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